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The Yamas and Niyamas - Foundations of Yoga


Updated: Jul 10, 2024

The 1st Limb of Yoga = The 5 Yamas (w/an Intention/Sankalpa)

You may like to incorporate these intentions into a meditation practice for a deeper understanding and integration of the yamas.


You can sit or lie in stillness, in a quiet and comfortable space, contemplating the concept(s), perhaps one concept per day, week, or month, and setting an intention to apply the concept(s) in your daily life by repeating the intention, out loud or internally.

  1. Ahimsa - Non-Violence & Compassion I practice loving-kindness, in thoughts, words and actions, toward all beings, including myself.

  2. Satya - Truthfulness & Sincerity - I am honest with myself and others in my thoughts, words, and actions.

  3. Asteya - Non-Stealing - I intend to not covet or envy what others have. Instead, I re-direct my focus and practice gratitude for what I have.

  4. Brahmacharya - Moderation / Conservation of Energy - I strive to mindfully channel my vital energy in beneficial ways.

  5. Aparigraha - Non-Grasping / Non-Hoarding - I strive to reduce my material consumption and collect only what I need or will use.

The 2nd Limb of Yoga =

The 5 Niyamas (w/affirmations)

  1. Sauca - Cleanliness - I care for and keep my body, mind, & surrounding environment clean and uncluttered.

  2. Santosa - Contentment / Gratitude -I set reasonable expectations and accept reality as it is.

  3. Tapas- Discipline / Inner Fire - I commit to a regular, daily practice.

  4. Svadhyaya - Self-Reflection - I take time daily to reflect on my thoughts, words, and actions.

  5. Isvara-Pranidhana - Humility / Surrender / Faith - I let go of outcomes and have faith in the process of life.

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